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The Sudeten Philharmonic Mixed Choir

The Sudeten Philharmonic Mixed Choir consists of about 30 people who, with their energy, commitment and passion for singing together, create a world that gives a chance to break away from everyday life and move into the elusive space of art. The choir was established in October 2014 by Director Elżbieta Łaganowska, and its first conductor was Mr Jerzy Kosek. The choir initiated its concert activity on February 1, 2015, with a concert of Christmas carols arranged by Paweł Stuczyński, accompanied by the Sudeten Philharmonic Orchestra.

I remember the faces of the musicians who saw us at our first rehearsal together. Already during the rehearsal, admiring glances were thrown at us, but I will never forget the row of strings and instruments that the musicians created for us as were leaving the stage (as remembered by one of the choristers). Next, numerous concerts were organised under the baton of the successive conductor of the Choir, Bogusława Bednarczyk. These were a cappella concerts, concerts with orchestra and soloists, and with piano accompaniment.

Under the leadership of Ewa Gądek-Rosiak, the choir operated from September 2020 to January 2023. During this period it performed, among others a film music concert with the Sudeten Philharmonic Orchestra. It was a unique event thanks to the arrangements by Dawid Aleksy Dorożyński, who, together with conductor Ewa Gądek-Rosiak, wanted to show a new vision of concerts with film music. In addition to the numerous a cappella concerts presented at that time, the choir sang in October 2022 a performance of Roger Treece’s Cantata Beatrice under the direction of the composer, the latter singing and improvising. It was a great and hugely inspiring event for the choristers.

Since its inception, the choir has welcomed several dozen singing enthusiasts, most of whom are still in touch with the group. Today, the Sudeten Philharmonic Mixed Choir is made up of people of different ages and professions, united by a great love for music and the joy of performing it.

Rehearsals take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm in the Sudeten Philharmonic Concert Hall. For details of the Choir’s work see our website and social media.


Marta Moneta
choir director